If you’re using our recipe page, you’ll shortly not need to worry about this calculator as you’ll be able to work it out from your recipe.
If you’re doing a single step mash with a mash out, you’ll not need this calculator. If you’re step mashing in your mash tun, this is what you’re looking for.
You’ll need to enter the following data:
- Weight of Grains: the total grains in your mash tun
- Mash Thickness: the current thickness of your mash - how many litres you added to the current mashing step/the weight of grains.
- Mash Tun Deadspace: all the hidden/wasted space in your mash tun
- Mash Tun Equivalent Water Volume: the amount of water equivalent of your mash tun. You can work this figure out in the mash tun calibrate page.
- Current Temperature: the current step temperature
- Target Temperature: the target step temperature
You need to add only one of these as you’re calculating either the amount of water (at a specified temperature) to add, or the temperature of the water (of a specified volume) to add:
- Water Temperature: the temperature of the water you’re adding
- Step Volume: the volume of the step you’re adding
The Results
- Volume of Mash Step Water Needed: how much water you need to add to the tun (when you’ve specified Water Temperature above) to achieve the target temperature.
- Step Water Temp: how hot the water needs to be (when you’ve specified the Step Volume) to achieve the target temperature.
- Volume Equivalent in Tun: how much volume is in your tun after the addition. Useful in understanding whether you’ve exceeded it’s capacity.
- Add mash step water volume calculator to recipe.